Cultural Transformation in Companies: What it is, Objectives and Phases


Cultural transformation is a process of evolving an organization’s culture to help it achieve its strategic goals.. It is also key to ensuring a positive employee experience, especially if they participate in the definition of it, in a co-creative process.

It is proven that organizations that have a culture that adapts to the situation and society in which they live are stronger and more sustainable, and when employees feel the culture of their company as their own, they are more committed y disfrutan más de su trabajo.

Through a Cultural Transformation Program an in-depth study is carried out on what the individual motivations are, the perception of the current culture and how the desired culture should be. 

With all this information, a roadmap is designed together with the Executive Committee to define the target culture. on the basis of the business strategy, which helps its transformation and the achievement of objectives.

but how can you recognize the need for a cultural transformation in your company and make this change a success?

Read on to discover why culture is one of an organization’s most powerful assets, examples of goals and how to implement it step by step according to real Cultural Transformation Programs developed by BeUp.

What is organizational culture

The culture of a company is formed by the beliefs, perceptions and collective motivations of all its professionals.

It is reflected in the way in which its members relate, in what they give value to, in their shared image of the future… and of course in the behaviors that derive from all this.

It’s not what the company does. If not how he does it and why.

Cultural transformation requires change the hearts, minds and skills of work teams to achieve the target culture. 

  • Individuals must first have the conviction (the heart) to change their behavior.
  • Next, they must understand what behavior (mind) change looks like.
  • And have the necessary tools (skills) to change.

How to know if your company needs to transform its culture

So what happens if when you look at your organization you discover that the culture that makes it stronger is not the one that is predominating?

If you stop to think, you may come to the conclusion that the corporate culture that has been feeding for years, consciously and unconsciously, has become obsolete and has become obsolete has become a prison when it comes to trying to evolve.

If you suspect that it is so, perhaps the time has come to thank her for everything she has given us for years and say goodbye to her to make way for a new culture that allows us to grow.

Sometimes a profound cultural transformation is needed to execute a new strategy. We know that without these changes the company may not be able to adapt to the environment, We can even intuit that without a profound cultural change the company will disappear in the long term.

Organizations that are ready for cultural transformation may also see low engagement scores among their professionals, and a high turnover rate among those with high potential. When the culture is not strong and coherent with the strategy of the future, talent leaves.

Another indicator can be structural changes: if the company has experienced a merger process with another company, whether it has grown very fast or entered new markets, it is very likely that the culture needs to readjust to this new reality. 

Objectives of a Cultural Transformation Program

The idea of transforming an organization’s culture may seem too intangible to bring into everyday reality, right? 

That’s why here we propose some of the most common objectives posed by the companies we work with:

  • Detect the cultural bases that allow to develop a transformation or facilitate a fusion processor acquisition in the company, successfully.
  • Drive change to achieve an agile and innovative culture that positions us as leaders in the sector.
  • Achieve a common and shared language in the face of change.
  • Improve talent management, transparency, team development and company leadership.
  • Turn off cultural inhibitors that prevent superior performance of the entire organization or a particular area.
  • Design initiatives to help drive strategy forwarddefined, and even when you need to define your own strategy.

Phases of a Cultural Transformation Program

Once the need for cultural transformation has been recognized and the objectives of the programme have been established, what steps should be taken to ensure that its implementation is a success?

1. Initial diagnosis of today’s culture

Through individual interviews with key members of the Management Committee and the cultural diagnostic tool we use in BeUp: CTT (Cultural Transformation Tools) in which all members of the organization can participate.

2. Definition of the target culture and action plan

Collaborative workshops to design the target culture, identifying the changes needed to achieve it, collective and individual action plans and associated KPIs that articulate the target culture and strategy.

3. Implementation and monitoring

Defining the agents of change and accompanying them to promote and spread the new target culture in their departments with targeted initiatives. Launching exciting communication campaigns and developing action workshops for the rest of the organization.

4. Final evaluation of key indicators

To measure the real effectiveness of the cultural transformation program: valuations of climate, entropy, changes in leadership style, engagment or growth of accounts. All with the aim of ensuring an impact on business objectives.

Tips for a Successful Cultural Transformation Program

At BeUp we are leaders in Spain in the implementation of transformation projects: from change management, innovation, Organizational culture and new values.

From our extensive experience, here are some key tips for effective cultural transformation: 

  1. Culture, vision and systems of the company must be the first support of the transformation, so that change is possible.
  2. Themanagers of the company they have to be agents of change, that is, they have to “pull the cart”.
  3. The role of the HR departmentIt is, at the very least, a key factor of transformation, its approach and policies enhance or hinder changes.
  4. In the processes of change it is essential to be resilient, Since changes do not occur in a day and along the way we can encounter obstacles.
  5. Thecommunication It must always be open, honest and transparent. When a transformation is proposed, there must be a single message common to all, and all members of the company must be treated as “older people”.
  6. It is an indispensable requirement Involving people, You have to find a way to make the members of the company feel part of the transformation.

At BeUp we can help you make your organization’s culture a competitive advantage that grows the business from the inside out.

Write to us and we will tell you how.