
7 tips for leading remotely

By February 27, 2023No Comments

In 2020, the pandemic turned the face-to-face work model upside down in just a few weeks. Companies had to find effective formulas to work remotely And although it was a challenging challenge, they found solutions.

The result is that in the post-covid era it is difficult to find companies with a 100% face-to-face work modality. Professionals have proven their productivity remotely and demand Flexible solutions that allow a better conciliation.

However, many leaders are concerned with this change. And it is that Leading remotely is much more complicated than doing it face to face.

Lack of sense of community, communication problems or poor visibility of the results are some of the most common problems when working in geographical dispersion.

The solution is to adapt to the new reality, evolving your mindset as a leader. If that is your case and you want to lead a dream team Offshored, you’re going to love this article.

Read on to discover our top tips for leading teams remotely.

The challenges of leading remotely

The new remote or hybrid work modalities require team leaders to assume leadership other than the traditional one, based on face-to-face relationships. 

Managing talent remotely brings new meaning to the work of a leader.

New questions arise: 

“ How to make sure the work is being done?” 

“What can we do to make remote teams pineapple?”

“How to get remote professionals to acquire the vision of the company?”

It is clear that many organizations are still looking for the solution to these challenges. In BeUp we know it because we have been accompanying them for years. on that path to find them.

And these are theseven best practices that we have detected after analyzing, training and accompanying companies that want to lead remotely towards success.

7 tips for leading remotely

1# Lead from emotion

Share with your team how you feel and create a context where everyone can express how they feel, beyond work.

Remember that the best formula to learn, communicate and generate commitment is through emotion.

Studies of Kayworth and Leidner (and our own experience) have shown that leaders who play a role in mentoring and exhibit a high degree of consideration, empathy and take into account the opinions of their teams, perform more effective leadership in virtual contexts.

2# Make pineapple

According to the survey ofOnePoll for Volleyball, 7 out of 10 employees who work remotely feel more isolated since they started working remotely.

In addition, 63% said that working from home makes them feel less connected to their team.

To fix it, it is essential to maintain frequent contact y generar espacios one to one with each team member. 

Another good tip is to dedicate the first five minutes of meetings from a team to share something personal or dedicate a quick weekly meeting to make fun group dynamics.

3# Communicate, but really!

In virtual meetings it is essential to request that the cameras remain on. Asks always see your faces In virtual meetings, no excuses! 

Encourages the creation of aOwn language and shared with your entire team, generate routines. From saying good morning first thing in the morning, to sharing memes or celebrating successes. Few factors create a greater sense of belonging than sharing internal codes that only the team understands.

4# Take care of meetings more than ever

When the team does not sit around the same table, the leader must carefully prepare each meeting: points to touch on the agenda,sStripes of time for each and hour of start-up and completion. 

It’s also very effective to spend time with team members who will have a key role in the meeting, and tell them clearly what you expect from them.

It’s also very effective to spend time with team members who will have a key role in the meeting, and tell them clearly what you expect from them. … 

Finally, maximize visual and emotional cues: mention names, ask direct questions, and use virtual resources (from whiteboards to surveys) to make meetings more engaging.

5# Encourage participation

It employs participatory, rather than vertical, leadership. Don’t be afraid to verbalize your expectations and listen to those of the team, adapting them to remote work. Talk about change, The challenges of teleworking and the proposals to work on it.

It is proven that when the leader provides feedback virtual and support, positively influences the confidence among team members.


Fluently exchanging information related to the team’s performance will help them genuinely trust you How about 10 minutes a week dedicated to talking about how things are going? 


6# Get to know you in person

Whenever possible, an initial face-to-face meeting is recommended. before starting a project.

Understanding a person’s personality, needs and way of communicating is much easier in a face-to-face meeting, and will help you create a frame of reference about the new person on your team. So try to schedule a face-to-face day in your onboarding processes. Even if you have to travel kilometers, we assure you that it will be worth it.

An extra tip? Encourage face-to-face meetings on a monthly, quarterly or semi-annual basis, depending on the company’s possibilities. Sharing a coffee and knowing that your teammates are more than just “a head on screen” will elevate team cohesion to the stars.

7# Define roles and objectives

In remote work, ambiguous roles, work overload or low commitment of a team member are more difficult to visualize and an important focus of demotivation for talent.

Therefore, remote leadership requires paying special attention to clear task design and clearly define the responsibilities of each team member.

Make sure each member has personal goals

complementary and share the main objective of the team. The work “by the hour” does not make great sense remotely, the essential thing is that each person knows exactly what he has to do and when it should be done.

Virtual management by objectives will not only improve the productivity of the group, but will have a significant influence on the commitment of each person to their tasks.

This is how BeUp helps you lead remotely

Managing teams remotely allows you to have the best talent in your team, without geographical limitations. In addition, properly implemented, flexible working models exponentially increase well-being of professionals.

You only need to purchase the Transformational Leadership Skills that the new times demand.

We hope we have helped you with these tips and if you want us to help you improve remote leadership in your organization, contact us.

At BeUp we have been helping companies such as Roche, Axa, BBVA, Banco Santander or Finanzauto to form high-performance offshore teams since (long before) 2020.

Do you want us to help your organization too? Write to us and we will tell you how.

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