Diversity and Inclusion

Strategic consulting

Because a diverse work team is more creative, effective, and committed.

We develop a culture of diversity and inclusion with an extra dose of emotional intelligence that elevates organizational performance.

This is proven. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are essential for an innovative, constructive, and uplifting workplace.

An organization with cultural, generational, and gender diversity has a real competitive advantage.

Homogeneous work teams tend to stay within their comfort zone. And in a VUCA environment (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) like the current one, what company can afford it? 

It is essential to have a workforce made up of heterogeneous people (in age, race, gender, sexual orientation, functional diversity, origin, religion, or cognitive differences) who bring diverse perspectives to corporate projects and approaches.

However, leading diverse work teams is not an easy task. And generate truly equitable corporate cultures, either.

Because unconscious biases are present at work and affect us all. We perceive the differences of our colleagues and are vulnerable to existing stereotypes about diverse groups.

We are also affected by information about their personal life. Or even their way of being.

That is why we sometimes think that a young mother is not focused on gaining promotion to managerial positions. Or we believe that someone over 45 is not the ideal person to manage social networks. Or we doubt the professionalism of a colleague with a tattoo.

In addition, with the new forms of remote working, unconscious biases that make relationships difficult and the risk of exclusion increase.

For this reason, it is essential to understand how cognitive biases affect us, to know how to detect and combat them.

Raise awareness in ourselves regarding other realities. Learn to work with different colleagues. Know how to lead diverse teams. Build corporate policies that promote real equity.

Go from good words to the implementation of specific strategies that turn diversity management into a real competitive advantage for the organization.

We develop Diversity and Corporate Inclusion programs that maximize internal talent and turn it into growth for the company.

What are you going to achieve with our
Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

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Multiply the creativity and innovation of the organization, by working in a team of people with different perceptions and abilities.

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Develop a culture of cooperation where the collective good, empathy, and tolerance are able to attract talent, develop it, and increase the commitment of employees.

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Improve organizational performance, creating more efficient diverse teams and achieving a competitive advantage in international markets.

What content is included in our Diversity and Inclusion programs?

  • Self-knowledge: strengths and differences.

  • Unconscious Biases: approach from neuroscience

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Gender Intelligence

  • Intangible Diversity Map

  • Impact and Influence

  • Dispute Resolution

  • Inclusive Communication

  • Flexible team management


Talent has no wrapper

Marta Romo

How we will work together

We start from three premises: our own model of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), the experiences acquired with our clients and the observation of trends.

Organizations in which we have implemented diversity and inclusion programs

We train leadership skills to promote inclusion, we develop female talent and we have also accompanied a multitude of companies such as Janssen, Grupo Santander, Enagás, AXA, or Mapfre, to build an organizational culture focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and turn intention into actionable results.

Our Diversity and Inclusion Training Programs

Diversity Diagnosis

We measure the diversity and inclusion of your organization, through our exclusive methodology (Be Diverse Test) in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Madrid. 

An exhaustive and tailored study to have an exact photograph of the situation. A starting point to start a path of transformation, a turning point to evaluate progress.

Creation of diverse culture

We collect and analyze the information collected in the diagnosis and propose the DEI strategic lines of the organization.

We have created a Diversity Committee that accompanies the implementation of the strategy. We define mission, objectives, policies and initiatives to implement a real, sustainable, and self-managed transformation over time.

We profile the leaders to lead the change and design a step-by-step work guide.  

Diversidad e Inclusión

Inclusive Leadership

A program for leaders or future leaders to learn to manage and foster diverse teams, raise their emotional intelligence and learn to recognize and manage their unconscious biases, and develop strategic vision, influence, and inclusive communication skills.

We raise awareness and involve them so that they impact the mindset of the teams, promoting a DEI culture throughout the organization.

Female Leadership

A program that accompanies female executives to assume the challenges of leadership with responsibility and confidence.

From self-knowledge and recognition of their strengths, we bring out the qualities and skills necessary for the success of the company. Overcoming the fears that prevent them from being authentic and reaching their full potential as leaders.

Diversidad e Inclusión

Female Talent Development

An organization that promotes talent will never have a complete map of skills if it does not promote the leadership of women with equal opportunities.

We offer a program that detects and promotes female talent within the organization, and empowers professionals to pursue their goals by overcoming gender difficulties. 

A brilliant opportunity for the organization to boost its growth using the female multiplier.

Functional diversity

A unique opportunity to discover different realities, break with preconceived ideas and learn from extraordinary people.

A half-day workshop on Creativity and Transformation in collaboration with organizations such as the Juan XXIII Roncalli Foundation, interacting with people with intellectual disabilities. The perfect combination between volunteering and teambuilding. 

Diversidad e Inclusión

Generational Diversity

In both ways. We implement Mentoring programs that allow senior employees to transmit the knowledge and experiences that have led them to success.

And Reverse Mentoring where the younger employees contribute their vision, refresh the managerial mindset, and transfer digital skills. 

Maternity & Paternity

Coaching programs or accompaniment workshops that help mothers and fathers to balance their family and professional roles. Facing fears, overcoming challenges and training skills.

We also prepare Human Resources professionals and team leaders to optimally manage this special moment for their colleagues.

Diversidad e Inclusión

Cognitive bias training

We train teams to become aware and learn to identify unconscious biases, to be more inclusive, and understand the value of diversity.

Through neuroscience we can understand our thought mechanisms, our most frequent biases with collaborators, colleagues or other professionals, and how to manage them to make decisions or resolve conflicts.

IED meetings

We organize meetings between people attending to different diversities: age, gender, cultural, special abilities, whom we invite to share ideas and opinions.

In this way, the entire organization is made aware of the reality experienced by other diversities in their personal lives and at work; and ideas are generated to develop a more inclusive organization.

Diversidad e Inclusión

Face-to-face programs

Development Programs (Programs that seek to deepen the knowledge and experience of diversity and inclusion)

Practical Gyms (Learning based on training in key situations)

Learning Nuggets (Accelerated Learning, based on collaborative learning) 

Online Programs

Development Programs (Programs that seek to deepen the knowledge and experience of diversity and inclusion)

Practical Gyms (Learning based on training in key situations)

Learning Nuggets (Accelerated Learning, based on collaborative learning) 

Who are we?

Be Up is the leading consultancy in diversity and inclusion. We have trained more than 5,000 leaders at both individual and group level, from different levels of approach.

Led by Pilar Jericó and Marta Romo, our consultants are leading experts in the field, having made numerous publications and collaborated with business schools such as IE Business School, ESIC, and ESADE.

We draw on neuroscience, cognitive psychology and accelerated learning. Our differentiating value is to always be at the cutting edge, provide methodologies that work and re-evolve the mentality of organizations, thus achieving results.

Thanks to this, for ten years now we have been helping 70% of Ibex 35 companies to strengthen their leadership. In our case, experience is a degree.

Build a work inclusive environment

that attracts talent, builds loyalty and increases their confidence to express new ideas, develop their full potential and raise their productivity.

Write to us towards your goals